5 Steps to Cool Kids Bedrooms

5 Steps to Cool Kids Bedrooms

5 Steps to Cool Kids Bedrooms

We've recently redecorated our Son's bedroom. We last did this when he was a baby! At the time we used jungle wall murals but now he's nearly 6 years old it's time for a change.

We thought we would update his room to reflect the little man he's becoming. I wanted to get his input as to what he would like to see in his room but also choose things that can be adapted easily should he change his mind or outgrow any colours or theme quicker than expected. 

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10 Reasons Your Baby's Not Sleeping and How to Cope With It - Guest Post by Brigitte Evans

10 Reasons Your Baby's Not Sleeping and How to Cope With It - Guest Post by Brigitte Evans

10 Reasons Your Baby's Not Sleeping and How to Cope With It - Guest Post by Brigitte Evans

You’ve been up several times already. Your body is pushed to the edge, exhausted, and you really feel like breaking down because your baby’s upset, and you can’t calm them down, and you feel like a bad parent for just wanting some peace and quiet, for not knowing how to make them stop crying. And then it keeps happening night after night and your tired body can barely function from all the stress and the weariness. It’s probably safe to say that you’re getting a little desperate, but don’t worry. We’re here for you, and the first thing you need to know is this: it’s going to be okay. You’re a good parent, and your baby is going to be okay. Now let’s see how we can get you both a good night’s sleep.

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Ensuring Your Child Stays Motivated to Learn While Schools are Closed

Ensuring Your Child Stays Motivated to Learn While Schools are Closed

In the United Kingdom and many other parts of the World, schools are currently closed, which is quite challenging for both parents and their children. It’s important that, despite your child’s age, they continue to stimulate their brains in a productive and educational way.

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