How to cook Italian food; but not pizza or pasta
/Do you love Italian food but wonder if there’s more to it than just pizza or pasta? The truth is you’re right! There are a wealth of dishes for every season, in every region.
These generally form the main course or ‘secondo’ and are served with vegetables. Sometimes nothing else is added but in some regions such as the mountainous North you’ll find roasted potatoes or polenta as well.
I’m in Italy at the moment, and thought I’d share with you a recipe from my late Mother-in-law’s recipe book ‘La Pentola Magica’ meaning The Magic Saucepan!
I’m sharing ‘Involtini’ which means ‘to roll’.
Normally you’ll find these filled with cheese and prosciutto as you’ll read below. However you can add spinach, artichokes and whatever suits you. You can also use veal or chicken instead of beef.
Involtini al Formaggio
400grams long, thinly sliced beef
150grams chopped Fontina cheese
100grams Prosciutto crudo
sage leaves
a knob of butter
a little olive oil
salt & pepper
Lay out the slices of beef, on top put a piece of prosciutto crudo.
Then add the fontina cheese and a place a sage leaf on top.
Carefully roll up the little parcel and secure with small skewers. You can roll them so that either the beef is on the outside or the prosciutto.
Seal in a frying pan, on both sides by cooking in a hot pan with the oil and butter.
Season and add a bit of water to the pan so they don’t dry out.
Stir and cook on a lower heat until cooked through to your preference.
Serve with any vegetables that suit you. Often in Italy this is served together with green vegetables and roasted, cubed, rosemary potatoes.
I hope this has inspired you to try a new Italian dish.
As you can see, this is quick and needs few ingredients!
**This Post Is Written As Part Of The Monthly #DolceVitaBloggers Link UpWith Jasmine Of QuestaDolceVita And Kelly Of ItalianatHeart. If You Would Like To Join Please See Details Here.**