Benefits of Blogging
/Benefits of Blogging
Every month WordPress members produce 69.5 million new blog posts. Blogger has over 46 million unique viewers per month, and there are thought to be over 350 million blogs in the world. A small portion of these bloggers make a full-time living from their blogs, some even achieving international fame. What starts as a "hello world" post on WordPress can grow into book deals, TV shows, clothing ranges, beauty products and more. Blogging can change your life.
But, reaching such levels takes a lot of time, hard work and effort and even then it's certainly not a level of success that all bloggers are able to reach. However, even if you never make it big and your following remains on the smaller side, there are some massive benefits to blogging. Here's a look at them.
Credit: Pixabay
With so many blogs and so many opportunities available it would be fair to assume that blogging was a frightfully competitive industry. But, for the most part, it isn't. Bloggers become friends, they help and advise each other, they share opportunities and pass on PR details, they meet in real life, they launch linky parties together. These friendships can be lifelong and transcend the blogging world. If a few close and like-minded friends are all you get out of your blog, it's worth it.
It's an Outlet
Many people start a blog to give themselves a voice. Blogs are often started as an escape from the real world, a place to vent and to get your thoughts out. They are great for this. Whatever you've got to say, there is someone out there that feels or thinks the same. You'll gain support and understanding, and you'll start to help others. However, it's important to think about how much you want to share. Remember, for all the love and support out there, there is also a darker side to the internet. So, protect yourself. Use a personal mailbox as an alternative to a PO box to avoid giving out your address, don't use full names and make sure your blog has appropriate levels of security.
New Skills
Credit: Pixabay
If you take your blog seriously, you'll soon find that there is a lot to learn. Your photography skills will develop, and your writing will improve. If you want to fully customise your site you'll start learning all about web design, CSS and HTML, you may even practice your graphic design skills or have a go at making some videos. It's a great hobby for learning new skills. Skills that you can then transfer to other areas of your life or use at work.
In the beginning, it might seem that only the biggest bloggers make money, but that's not the case. You don't need a huge following to start finding opportunities to review products and services and to make some money. You just need an engaged audience that value what you've got to say. You could even make some extra pocket money from advertising and hosting sponsored posts.
The more time and effort you put into blogging, the further it will take you. But, even if it's only ever a hobby, there's a lot to gain!
**This is a collaborative post.**