Are You Struggling To Keep Your Relationship Alive? Ask Yourself These Questions
/Are you struggling to keep your relationship alive? It happens every now and then, but if it’s gone past the usual rough patch and has turned into a longer stretch, you may be struggling more than ever. While we don’t have all of the answers for you, we do have some advice that we would encourage you to follow, and that is for you to ask yourself a few different questions.
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Do You Still Love Them?
The most obvious question to ask is do you still love them? Now bear with us here because this is not the be all and end all of your decision and your contemplation. But, it’s an important place to start because it sets the foundation for the rest. The thing about love is that it can blind you sometimes to what is actually going on in front of you. We don't necessarily mean that things are bad necessarily, but maybe they aren’t what you think they are.
A lot of the time things change without us even knowing. One day you just wake up and you’re more in love with the memories of the person they were and the times that you’ve had than you are with the one standing in front of you. When you realize that this is the case, it makes understanding why you’re struggling to make things work that much easier.
Are They Good To You?
Another obvious question is whether they are good to you. You can love someone who isn’t good to you or for you, but it’s never going to work in the long-term and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better.
Or, maybe they are good to you. Maybe they can’t do enough for you. Maybe they do everything that you’ve ever wanted them to do and they are there when you need them. We’re happy for you if this is the case, because it’s hard to find someone who supports you unconditionally.
Is It Enough?
The most important question of all though, is is it enough? Sometimes, the harsh reality is that love is not enough to keep a relationship alive, and being treated well is not a reason to stay with someone if your heart isn’t in it. If your communication breaks down, if the trust is gone, if you’re not happy, if nothing is changing despite you having asked over and over, then you have to honestly ask yourself is this enough? If you are where you are for the rest of your life, are you okay with that? If not, it’s time to part ways, contact divorce solicitors if you’re married, and move on to something that is.
Sometimes, we have to know when we’ve held on for long enough and it’s time to let go. Sometimes, with a little bit of effort you can keep the relationship going and that’s great. It’s all down to the individual circumstances in which you have found yourself in, and what you admit to yourself when you’re being completely honest. Whatever you do from here should be because it’s what you want, and because it will make you happy.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.