5 Cities to Visit if You Want to Expand the Horizons of Your Children
/5 Cities to Visit if You Want to Expand the Horizons of Your Children
Travel can be a truly fantastic thing for young children who are still learning about the world. You should definitely look to take them on trips to cities around the globe if you want to expand their horizons and allow them to see how life is in other parts of the world. There are some cities that are better than others for culture and interesting sights. Here are 5 cities that are must see places for you and your children.
1. Paris
Paris is one of the most popular cities in the world for a reason. It’s a location that is brimming with modern life, as well as artistic and cultural history. Louvre tours are ideal for families that want to teach their children about some of the most important artistic work ever produced. There is so much for you all to do and see, no matter the weather so it’s one of those places you simply have to take your children
2. Florence
Florence is home to the Renaissance, one of the most important artistic periods in human history, so it’s something that’s definitely worth learning more about while you’re there. It’s the kind of place that makes you feel like you’re stepping back in time. The buildings, rivers, bridges and streets are all elegantly beautiful. You can learn all about the city’s artistic history when you’re there.
Credit: Pexels
3. Berlin
Berlin has a lot of history packed into its city limits. It wasn’t all that long ago that the city was divided between East and West, and you can still see the remnants of that history in the streets of Berlin. You can walk the path of the old Berlin Wall and begin to teach your kids a bit about its history. There are also various Holocaust memorials if that’s something they’re old enough to learn about.
4. Kyoto
Japan is a vast and varied country, and you might expect us to mention Tokyo rather than Kyoto. In truth, they’re both incredible cities with much to offer. But Kyoto is a little bit calmer and offers more stunning natural landscapes than Japan. Young children can visit the traditional Japanese wooden houses and see real life geishas. There is also Mount Fuji nearby if you want to show them an example of stunning geographical point of interest!
5. Athens
Athens is of course the capital city of Greece, and it’s also the location of one of the human race’s earliest civilisations. Ancient Athens doesn’t have to be something that your kids only learn about in dull history lessons. Instead, you can show them the Parthenon up close when you visit Athens. There are so many historical sites and interesting museums in Athens, making it the perfect place to visit with children.
Credit: WikiMedia Commons: View of Acropolis Athens
These 5 cities all offer something different to you and your family, so be sure to make the most of them when you’re trying to open your children’s eyes to the world. There will be so many interesting things for them to see in these cities, as well as plenty to learn from their arts and culture.
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