Week 37: Preparing For Your Final Month Of Pregnancy
/Week 37: Preparing For Your Final Month Of Pregnancy
Credit: Unsplash
When you read about the time it takes for a baby to be made, it can often sound like pregnancy is a very long journey. In reality, though, while nine months sounds like a big chunk of time, the next 37 weeks are going to go by very quickly. When you find yourself staring birth in the face, you will have more work to do than ever to prepare for the little one on the way.
From creating your birth plan to bodily changes and getting your home ready. There is a lot to think about, this post will be taking you through the last month of pregnancy and the things you’ll want to consider.
Body Changes: As you enter the 37th week of your child’s life, they will begin their move down towards the birthing canal, and your body will start to change. Being prepared to be a little clumsier, hungrier, and moodier than you have been at any other point during this period will be hard.
To help you out, there are loads of sites out there which can take you through 37 weeks pregnant symptoms. Some of these are unusual such as sensitive teeth during pregnancy. Keeping an eye on what to expect will stop any anxiety and you should be able to get fully prepared for the challenges you could face.
Your Schedule: The due date your doctor gives you is only ever a rough guide. From around week 37, you will be at risk of the big time coming, and this makes it hard to continue normal life without making some adjustments. It’s always a good idea to avoid travelling long distances or putting yourself into situations which you can’t get out of. There are loads of cases of babies being born in strange places all over the world. While this creates a good story, it makes it hard to ensure that your child is born in the best conditions, and most parents will want to avoid it.
A Baby-Ready Home: Even as a very young infant, it’s amazing to see exactly how smart your little ones can be. When they are very little, this curiosity and need to explore can result in some dangers around normal homes. There are loads of guides out there to help with this, but you can also employ the support of a business to make sure that the place is completely baby-proof. This is great for parents with busy lifestyles who don’t have enough time to handle it themselves.
Enjoying The Quiet: Finally, as the last area to consider, a lot of parents neglect themselves during these times. In reality, this could be the last month of peace you have for a very long time. Babies are notoriously loud and demanding, and this won’t change as your child gets older, giving you a couple of decades without a moment to yourself. To take advantage of the time you have, a lot of parents will choose to start their leave from work earlier than they need to.
Credit: Unsplash
With all of this in mind, it should be a lot easier for you to start getting your life ready for the arrival of your little one. At 37 weeks, you will be feeling more than ready to get the big event over with. It won’t be long, though, and you need to be ready for the kid when they come.
**This is collaborative post.**