Top Tips for Maximizing Your Family Calendar for a Seamless Routine
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There is nothing more precious than family time. Life’s best moments and memories come from family events and the day-to-day with your loved ones. But without routine, how hard does it get to schedule intentional time?
The bigger the family, the more hectic it can get. That’s why having a plan for your family through the use of a calendar is genius. And if you haven’t used a monthly family wall calendar then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk about it.
Start with the Members
We can't end everyone’s lives and schedules at once. So starting with knowing where everyone is going and their priorities makes the most sense. Use a calendar to write down the times that are already blocked out.
This will give you a sense of where there is free space if any at all. If you look and see there isn’t much free space to work with, don’t worry there are a few solutions.
Priority Marking
Priority marking is a great way to really understand what needs to get done and what can wait. The easiest way to do this is to use exclamation points next to an activity. For the most important things on the schedule give them three exclamation points. The least important one will get one. Anything in the middle gets two.
If you are someone that writes down everything you may find that some tasks really don’t have to occur as much as they do. This will allow you to eliminate some things on the calendar.
Efficiency is Possible
One way to increase flexibility and freedom on the calendar for all is to find efficiencies. For instance if you spend a lot of time in traffic when you don’t need to, rearranging some errands or activities to fit a better time can help.
Or if you have a partner to share responsibilities with, it may make more sense that they pick up the kids on their way home from work because it’s closer to them than you. This can allow you to get a headstart on household items or anything on that to-do list.
Making Routines
Part of the stress that comes from not having an organized calendar is being unaware of what you have to do. This takes up a lot of mental energy and can make life more stressful. A calendar puts things on autopilot.
In turn, the benefits from this are huge. If you reduce your stress, you may find yourself having more energy. Suddenly, going to the gym early in the morning before everyone is up is a lot easier. Calendars may be simple, but they are truly effective.
What About the One of Events?
A calendar is not meant to be regimented. It’s there for structural and organizational help. But there is no need to feel guilt if you have to reschedule some things. As always in life, one event will pop up as they should.
One of the events doesn't have to be an unscheduled trip to the doctors. They can also be the holiday concert you're attending. Calendars help you organize your life. Not dictate it.
Put It Somewhere Accessible
A calendar is great for the family but if only one person is in charge of it, it can defeat the purpose. Leave a calendar somewhere accessible for everyone. That way you can all contribute by adding in those one offs and there are no surprises.
Having said that if you want to make sure you get your family time in, be sure to block off certain areas in advance. If we don’t schedule time for ourselves and our loved ones, it can be a challenge to follow through.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.