Tips for Keeping Your Home and Family Safe While Traveling

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Traveling is a beautiful opportunity to explore new places, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories with loved ones. However, leaving your home unattended can be a source of anxiety. Ensuring the safety of your home and family while you're away requires careful planning and proactive measures. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your home secure and your mind at ease during your travels.

A robust home security system is the cornerstone of protecting your property. If you don't already have one, consider investing in a comprehensive security setup that includes cameras, motion detectors, and alarm contacts for windows. These devices can alert you to any suspicious activity and provide real-time updates on the status of your home. Modern security systems often come with smartphone apps, allowing you to monitor your property remotely and receive notifications in case of a breach.

Inform Trusted Neighbors and Friends

This is a significant factor, and you should consider telling a close neighbor or friend about your travel. Mention that you’d like them to check on your property, pick up your mail, and deal with any deliveries. One would prefer living in a house that does not look vacant so that burglars cannot quickly choose to break in. Also, should they need any assistance or in an emergency, you have to give them your number and an extra key. This means that one can assemble a team of people who act like security personnel and keep an eye on your home when you are away.

Utilize Timers for Lights and Electronics

To give the impression that somebody is home, turn your lights, Televisions, and Radios on by programming timers. These devices should be programmed to be on at some times of the day or night and off at others. Adding a voice recording saying that the house is occupied can help discourage people from looking for houses without occupants. Choosing smart timers that can be switched on a remote basis is recommended, and this will allow you to make changes to the settings in case something changes on your schedule.

Secure All Entry Points

Ensure all doors, windows, or the entrance and exit doors are closed and locked correctly before leaving. This involves cross-verifying some of the most concealed areas, like the basement windows, garage doors, and any other door pets may use. Enhance doors with deadbolt locks and consider having a security bar or rod for the sliding doors. If you have a spare key hidden under the doormat or in another location outside the house, take it out as you leave. This means that burglars can know most places where people usually hide items.

Maintain Your Yard

A well-trimmed yard gives an impression that the owner is within the compound, thus making the house safe. If you will be away for some time, make sure you have your lawn mowed or hire someone to do it and that the snow will be shoveled off the lawn if it’s winter. If the yard is unkempt and high, or the driveway is laden with snow, there is a high chance that the house is empty. Further, it is also important to trim any vegetation, such as a bush or a tree, as it may act as a hiding place for the intruder as he tries to enter the house.

Avoid Oversharing on Social Media

Even though it is very tempting to post all the wonderful travel stories as they occur, the same can be an invitation to the burglars that the house is empty. Do not announce on social media that you are going on vacation, and ensure that your profiles are in the ‘Private Setting.’ This precaution assists in ensuring that only friends and family members that you can trust in your absence are the ones who could be informed.

Store Valuables Safely

Before you go, it is best to take a brief look at your belongings and keep them in a box or somewhere safe. These include documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, and other valuable personal items, jewelries, electronics, and money. Putting valuables in a safe or a safety deposit box might be helpful if you plan on having one in your house. Also, they do not have valuable items within easy view of the windows since this may attract the attention of criminals.

Utilize Home Automation

Smart home technology can greatly improve home security. Some of the smart home technologies include smart video doorbells, smart locks, and remote-controlled smart lighting systems that can make the house appear occupied. You can also set up routines to mimic what is happening inside the house, discouraging anybody with ill intent from intruding. Some of these devices have features that allow you to integrate your home's security system and ensure your property's safety.

Emergency Preparedness

People need to be prepared for emergencies, so there has to be a plan to follow. Provide your temporary contact details to someone you know in the neighborhood and your home security provider for emergencies. Ensure that your family members have your contact details and are aware of the procedures to be followed in case of an incident. While it is always preferable to have a plan in place to respond to problems as they arise, having a clear plan can help limit the time to respond to such issues.

Hire a House Sitter

It is desirable to have someone, a house sitter, living in your home during your absence. Nothing deters burglars better than having someone live in your house, as this makes it hard for the burglars to access your house. A house sitter can also perform errands, including feeding the animals, watering the plants, or taking care of any other occurrence in the house. This option offers the most protection and comfort while on the road, as you do not have to worry about inadequately parked cars blocking your path.

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Journeys are supposed to be hassle-free, so it is essential to have the right tools and resources to make the trip as smooth as possible. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that his or her home is safe and that would-be intruders are informed that the house is occupied, which will, therefore, discourage them from breaking in. With the security systems and intelligent technology set up with neighbours willing to help, you can free yourself and your family to make beautiful memories while you are on holiday, knowing your home is safe.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.