The Benefits of Attending Sixth Form After GCSEs
/Sixth Form is the next level of study after students finish their GCSEs. For a lot of students this means that they will progress to A Level study and potentially advance on to university, or pursue a career. There are many benefits to attending a school’s Sixth Form in your local area. Even better yet, if your child’s current school already has a Sixth Form with the right subjects for them, then it is a lot easier for them to move forward.
We explore the many benefits attending a Sixth Form will bring to students, especially those ready to further their studies after they have finished their GCSEs and received the grades they needed.
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Heading straight into A Levels
A Levels are the next natural step in a child’s progression and will show them how they can use the skills from their GCSE years. A Levels are also the next level of progression before students decide if they would like to enter university as the next stage in their educational or career path. Exploring Sixth Form will allow your child to go much further with their studies in all areas, and it will often be where teenagers head to next if they don’t go on to pursue a career or attend a college.
Gives students the best skills needed for university preparation
University preparation will make your child’s transition to the next phase in their studies far easier. University is a different ball game, where students can feel relaxed, but still have very important deadlines to reach and involve a different approach to writing essays and analysis.
Sixth Form will allow students to prepare for this change in their studies, often through support and advice provided by the school. This Private Sixth Form in London prides itself on providing study skills support for all students, preparing them for what is seen as commonplace in university assignments.
Wider subject flexibility
GCSEs often feel quite rigid for students and can cause issues for their learning if they aren’t able to diversify their skills. A Levels will help students feel more relaxed with what they are allowed to study, and they are able to choose subjects that complement each other.
These options allow a lot more flexibility for students who are unsure what they would like to study at University. A Sixth Form will allow students great flexibility on what they would like to explore in terms of their future studies and how it will help them decide what they’d like to do after they have finished their studies.
Sixth Form might be the best option for your child after all. Help them decide the right subjects and colleges for them to support their future development.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.