The 3 Simple Steps To Prepare For A Long Distance Move

Moving a long distance involves a lot of steps and can be challenging. From the hassle of moving your belongings far away to settling into a new place, there are many hurdles to overcome. However, if you plan well, you can handle these challenges much easier. 

Good planning not only makes the move less stressful but also helps you save time and money. There are a lot of common problems that come up when you move that can all be avoided when you have a solid game plan. In this article, we will go over the steps to help you prepare for a long distance move.

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1 - Have temporary accommodations

If your new home isn't ready when you arrive, or if you want more time to move in, it's a good idea to find a short-term rental. This temporary place will be your home base while you get everything set up in your permanent house, whether you're waiting for renovations to finish or for the previous owners to leave.

Look for a temporary home that's close to your new place. For instance, you can find furnished apartments in the city of Toronto if that is near where you will be moving. Being nearby makes it easier to handle tasks at your permanent home while you stay somewhere else. It’s best to choose a rental that comes with furniture so you don't have to move your furniture twice, saving you both effort and money.

Make sure the rental agreement is flexible. A month-to-month lease is ideal because it lets you move out whenever your permanent home is ready, without being stuck in a long lease. 

2 - Downsize

Before your long-distance move, it's a good idea to go through all your stuff and downsize. This helps you decide what to take with you and what to leave behind. Start by looking at each item and thinking about whether you really need it. If you haven't used something in a year and it doesn't mean much to you, it might be time to get rid of it.

You can sell items online or hold a garage sale. This clears out clutter and gives you some extra money for your moving costs. For anything you don't sell, think about donating it. Many charities will even pick up your donations from your home, which makes it easy to give things away.

3 - Manage logistics

When you're getting ready for a long-distance move, it's important to take care of all the details so everything runs smoothly. Start by updating your address with everyone who needs to know, like your utility companies, bank, and any subscriptions you have. It's best to handle these updates before you move so you don’t miss any important bills or services.

If you're moving far away, you might want to ship your car instead of driving it, especially if it's a really long trip. Arrange this early to make sure you can find a good shipping service. 

Disclosure: Contributor's content.