Speech Therapy for Bilingual Kids - Why It’s Beneficial But Challenging
/Kids growing up in a household where parents and caregivers speak at least two languages have a distinct advantage over their peers. Studies have shown that bilingual kids have more advanced cognitive skills development than kids who grow up in single-language environments.
Improved memory, better problem-solving abilities, and higher concentration levels are only a few of the added positives that go along with learning more than one language as a child. Such kids have also demonstrated the ability to better focus on the tasks in front of them despite being surrounded by distractions.
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Being Bilingual Does Not Cause Speech Problems
Contrary to popular belief, having multiple languages spoken in the family does not cause speech problems. It doesn’t even make speech more challenging. If kids do have issues, they’ll have similar difficulties while speaking both languages.
Parents will want to get a certified therapist trained in bilingual speech therapy for kids. The entire process starts with an evaluation where experts assess the exact problems the child is facing.
Speech Therapy is Given in Both Languages
Speech language pathologists helping bilingual kids are typically trained in both languages. Alternatively, they’ll get a translator to sit in on the sessions, which can be effective though it adds another layer of potential complication. Speech therapy includes different strategies to improve diction, pronunciation, auditory understanding and clarity in expression. For instance:
Therapists simplify language training by using shorter sentences - Therapists give the child time to understand each sentence before moving on to the next. They also avoid using long paragraphs.
Stressing each word and key phrases - Repeating simple words helps kids pick them up faster, especially words or verbal concepts that have confused them previously..
Designing therapy around the child’s specific interests - Talking about books, cartoon shows, toys, and games the child particularly likes helps hold the child’s attention, so they are more receptive to therapy and more inclined to commit the experiences to memory.
Credit: Pixabay.
Bilingual Kids Face Unique Challenges
One of the biggest challenges bilingual kids face is confusing the language structure and carrying errors from one language into the other. These problems are accentuated among immigrant families where kids speak one language at home and converse and learn in a new language at school.
Speech therapists can help kids resolve issues with practice, repetition, and regular interactions. Family members fluent in both tongues can be key in helping the process along. It’s important for parents to know that many habitual errors will naturally disappear on their own as their child continues to listen, learn, and practice.
Here’s another instance. The folks at Technoserve dedicated to promoting corporate sustainability in developing countries have noted a similar phenomenon. Kids speaking their native languages at home and studying in English at school are exposed to words, terms, and concepts that are entirely distinct.
Picking up lessons in an alien language is a phenomenal challenge because kids must learn English before understanding the concepts taught in class. The right speech therapy is an effective tool that helps. Young people can learn to take advantage of both worlds and build a new future. Often having online speech therapy is the most convenient way to fit this into a busy family schedule.
Speech therapy for bilingual kids is becoming increasingly useful for kids living in families where the parents are from different backgrounds, cultures, and countries. Getting the right help can ensure that they reach their full potential.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.