Should You Raise Your Kids Bilingual?

Making the decision about whether to raise your kids as bilingual can be difficult, and with the amount of time and energy you will have to pour into the process, you do not want to be making the wrong decision. As such, read this guide to help you to decide whether raising bilingual kids is the best option for your family. 

Adoptive or Foster Children

If you have decided that you want to adopt or foster children instead of having biological kids, you might be worried about the impact of raising them bilingual. However, raising your children bilingual can be a great option if your adoptive or foster children come from a different cultural and linguistic background and if you want to maintain this integral part of themselves and make it integral to your family. This can then help them to preserve their heritage, even if you do not share the same. Not only this, but even if you adopt or foster slightly older children, raising them bilingual is not impossible, and perseverance is key to this. However, this depends on the temperament and the wants of the child in question. As such, if you want to adopt children to travel with and raise them bilingual, you should speak to Foster Care Associates, who can give you a more individual guide on this and can help to match you with the right child for your family. 


If you travel often as a family, then raising your child as bilingual can be extremely helpful, especially if you speak a language or if you travel to the same place or areas that speak the same language often. This will then make it easier for your child to navigate new countries and can enable them to communicate with more of the people that they meet on their travels. This can also open doors to help them to learn more languages in the future and can cultivate a love of languages within them from a young age. Not only this, but for families that travel often, raising bilingual kids can be incredibly easy, as you can travel often to the countries that speak the language in question, and your kid will easily begin to pick this up.

Moving Country 

Raising your children bilingual is also vital if you have decided to move abroad from your home country, as this will mean that your child can settle in well to the country in question while also being able to live easily within your home country without any issues if you were to move back in the future. This is also important if they have relatives that speak a different language back home. 

Bilingual Parent 

You should also consider raising your kids bilingual if you or a partner speak another language, especially if you both have different first languages. By doing this, your child will be able to communicate with each of you in the language that they want to, and without any linguistic barriers. This can mean that they can convey detailed meanings that they might not be able to communicate in their first language.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.