Road Trip Planning With Your Kids: How To Do It Right

When planning a road trip with the kids, you have several goals in mind. The ultimate one is to get to your destination and back home safely. Two, enjoy the car ride and make lasting memories. Preparing for car trips guarantees enjoyment of family travel, which, based on a New York University survey, helps kids adapt to new experiences quickly and gain a more positive outlook in life. But is it easy to prepare for road trips and ensure the kids are settled during long drives?

Planning for a road trip adventure in Italy or elsewhere in the world feels like a mountain to overcome. Luckily, there are a few simple travel tips for an easy family road trip you can steal to avoid problems once you hit the road. Let’s explore how to plan a road trip with your kids. 

Credit: unsplash.

Involve The Kids From The Beginning 

You don’t have to let kids make a crucial decision, like choosing a family-friendly destination. What you can do is give them the name of the destination and let them research interesting stops and activities along the way.

Show the kids a map of where you’re going or pictures of the hotel rooms and pool. This trick makes children enthusiastic, meaning they’ll be more willing to make the trip successful. They will choose ideal places to stop for meals and unforgettable adventures. You could even engage your kids in the packing process to avoid the “Mom, where’s my jacket or snacks” while traveling. Don't forget to delegate the task of organizing car entertainment like 21 questions, the number plate, or aluminum foil art game. 

Evaluate Your Road Trip Resources 

First on the list is the vehicle. Do you have a comfortable, safe, and efficient car? If you haven’t invested in an ideal family car for long journeys, it’s time you did. Research models that are perfect for family travel. Read through consumer ratings for the best sedans to identify a make that matches your travel lifestyle. A sedan is a perfect choice because it’s comfortable, reliable, and affordable.

Make sure your vehicle has higher safety and fuel economy ratings. Besides investing in the right car, ask yourself if you have enough funds to make your car trip memorable? To answer this question, start creating a budget for your trip. Account for expenses like fuel, accommodation, food, entertainment and site visits, emergency funds, and money for shopping and souvenirs. 

Map Your Route 

Route planning will spark excitement in everyone. So, take advantage of the moment to plan for fun stops with the children. How can you achieve this? You could use Google Map to see your route clearly, but a paper map is also ideal to make the exercise more interesting. For example, say you’re going on a road trip around Italy. Check your map and decide whether to take the route from Rome to Terni, The Amalfi Coast road, or other popular car trip routes in Italy

When you select a route, it’s easy to manage expectations. What does this mean? You can get adults and kids to agree on how long you’ll be driving every day. You can also plan for stops and how long you explore attractions. When everyone understands what’s going to happen on the road, the experience will be smooth. Make sure you stop every two hours to allow your family members to stretch their legs and get fresh air. 

Having a plan for your road trip before leaving home with the kids helps prevent the never ending “Are we there yet?” question. When everyone knows where you’re going to, what to pack, how many stops you’ll make, and what you’ll be doing, the journey becomes enjoyable. That said, always involve the kids in your road trip preparations. Doing so boosts their excitement and they’ll look forward to making memories from the time you hit the road. Also, review your resources, from the car you’ll drive to the funds you have to spend on the trips. And map your route far in advance. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.