Pests You Might Find on Your Summer Road Trip and How to Prevent Them
/When you're at home, it's pretty easy to know when pests are invading your home. Taking care of them while you’re home can be as simple as calling in a reliable pest control services such as
However, when you're on the road for summer vacation, whether it's going from Florence to Yorkshire or simply heading from Georgia to North Carolina, it can be difficult to spot the pests that may ruin your vacation along the way or know what to do about them once they invade your vacation. Never fear, below you will find a few of the most common pests encountered on a road trip and a little bit about how to handle them as well.
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To learn about what you might come against read on.
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Bed Bugs
Whether you're traveling to your destination in an RV or staying in hotels along the way, one of the biggest problems for travelers is the risk of bed bugs hitching a ride to your next stop and beyond. For those who don't know, bed bugs like to take up residence in your mattresses, sofas, and any other area where it's dark and they can find food, which for them is the blood of pets and humans.
You can prevent bed bugs from invading your vacation by being careful where you place your suitcases and checking for bites along the way. It's important to note that these hitch hikers will follow you home as well, so vigilance is extremely important.
If you are staying in one place for a longer period of time, you will want to fix this issue rather than moving on. Check online for an exterminator near me, to find local specialists who can make the rest of your road trip more enjoyable and stress-free.
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Mosquitoes have always been dangerous, but in recent years it seems the diseases they can carry seem to have multiplied. From West Nile to the Zika virus, it's important to prevent yourself and your family from being attacked by mosquitoes during your travels even more than it ever was before. You'll pretty much find these pests present no matter where you travel, and on top of carrying diseases, they have a really annoying bite.
They usually gather in areas near the water and shaded places, so avoiding those will help. Make sure that you carry plenty of insect repellent with you, and try to cover yourself when in the height of the day that these critters are most active.
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These pests are more concerning for people who are traveling in an RV or camping. According to where you're traveling, you can run into red ants, carpenter ants, bullet ants, fire ants and more. These pests love to get into the small cracks of your RV or invade your tent and set up residence.
Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks can be a problem no matter where you go during your summer travels, and they can carry diseases that will hurt you and your pets, and the bites of fleas are super annoying. Make sure that you have treated your pets before you go on vacation and always check pets and family members at the end of the day for ticks, just in case, especially if you're camping.
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Do Your Research
One of the best ways to avoid the pests that can plague you during your summer travels is by doing your research on pests in the area you're planning on visiting. There are many destinations, especially tropical ones that will have travel warnings issued to help you make arrangements to avoid and prevent the pests that are plaguing that area at the time.
These are just a few of the pests that could torment you on your next summer road trip, and a few ways to prevent them. Don't forget to do your research into the pests of the area, and always, always bring the bug spray.
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