Learning And Bonding: Make Family Time Count
/Learning And Bonding: Make Family Time Count
If you ask most people what they would consider to be the most important in life, one of their answers would most probably be “friends and family”. Quite heartwarming to say the least, but seeing the recent trends from the past decade or so, family relations are getting more and more trivial, while people get more involved with their own lives, doing their own things. As a result, family time starts getting pushed aside in favour of hanging out with friends or focusing on one’s career. While that in itself is not inherently bad, it does come with a set of known effects which we all probably already know about. In order to balance the two out and allow yourself to both grow as a person, but also spend some time with your loved ones, why not combine the two together? After all, we live in the age of the internet, where you can find tutorials online for just about anything, and what better way to get started with a new activity or hobby, than with your family? Without any further ado, let’s go through some things you could start learning together with your family, rather than secluded in your own room.
Credit: Pexels
Start playing an instrument
Picking up an instrument or two to play can prove to be one of the more bonding experiences when done within a small group. Whether you all decide to play an instrument and start your humble beginnings with easy ukulele songs, or everybody picks up something else and you start forming a small band is up to you, but just remember that this will be fun regardless. Music certainly evokes certain emotions and traits in people which you might not usually see, and being able to see that side of people can be an experience which really brings people together on a slightly more intimate level, and is that not what we all need in a family?
Credit: Pexels
A mere decade or two ago, people were saying that dinner conversation is a lost art. Nowadays something more appropriate to say would be that conversation, in general, is a lost art. People just sit around on their mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and whatever other flavour of the month device is currently being advertised. Learning, or more appropriately, re-learning the art of conversation can not only be useful for future situations such as job interviews and business meetings, but just getting the family a bit closer together. When you talk with people, the rule of thumb is that you will eventually get closer together whether you like it or not, so why not give it a try?
Credit: Pexels
Sports with the family is nothing groundbreaking, and most certainly not extremely uncommon. In England alone, families go out to the parks to play football together all the time, which has been somewhat of an unspoken tradition for years and years now. If you want to relive those special moments, or if you want to experience them for the first time while finally learning something about sports, then this is the opportunity for you. With big companies like SEGA sometimes asking for general football knowledge on their job requirements, this might be more useful than you initially think.
**This is a collaborative post**