Is antique jewellery a good investment?
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One of the most wonderful gifts for someone to receive is a well chosen piece of jewellery. However, there is something rather special about choosing antique jewellery which won’t be seen in the high street retail chains.
Carus Jewellery is a great example of a specialist jeweller who can find you an exceptional item as they have 25 years experience in the industry.
Antique jewellery pieces often have a story behind them, the cut of the stones are very different from current trends. They are really unique and show just how much care you’ve taken with your choice of gift.
Jewellery is a present which stands the test of time and often marks special occasions. The added benefit is that it can also be a great investment. Find out why and which types of jewellery to look out for.
Credit: Carus Jewellery.
Timeless brands
There are certain brands such as Tiffany & Co or Cartier which will always hold their value and maintain popularity even as an antique piece. These firms now create more mass produced jewellery and collections with new trends. However, their older pieces were produced in smaller amounts, are harder to find and will usually hold their value.
The materials used in antique jewellery were mainly created in smaller quantities. These items were often constructed from gold or other precious metals which retain their value over time. Even if a design is not to the taste of a future family member these materials can be repurposed into a new creation so their value is not lost.
This is true of jewellery pieces and wrist watches. Both become collectors items and can be taken care of and maintained. This can be through the services of a silver or goldsmith for jewellery or a watch restorer who will use specialist tools for watches. They will carry out a simple polish and tune-up or refinishing the case, replacing the crystal and changing the hands.
Keeping an eye on the fashion industry it’s easy to spot how trends run in cycles. Pearls always come back and forth into fashion. Art Deco is eternally popular. Cameo rings and brooches are a well loved vintage piece of jewellery but be sure to find an authentic one. These should be made of shell, coral, stone or lava. They are set in gold and usually have a gold hallmark.
Credit: Carus Jewellery.
One of the best reasons for buying antique jewellery is the wider range of gems and designs on offer. Most high street retailers produce designs in diamonds and sapphires. There are some designs to be found in other precious stones but far fewer. With antique jewellery, you benefit from a wonderful selection of beautiful, often larger cut stones. These could be rubies, emeralds, garnets, amethyst, jasper and much more.
Credit: Carus Jewellery.
It’s hard to create modern jewellery in a truly sustainable way. There are lots of resources involved in producing jewellery on a large scale.
Antique jewellery was almost always handmade and created by one small silver or goldsmith team. Buying and enjoying these pieces is a way of sustainably adding to your collection without affecting your environment, even if you recycle your item into a new piece in the future.
You will also be supporting a small business by buying from an antique jeweller as normally these are run by passionate experts who have a hands-on approach to each stunning item which comes their way.
Although buying antique jewellery is an excellent investment, you should really buy a piece because it’s so fabulous and unusual that you love it, or you know the person receiving it will treasure it. These precious items have enormous sentimental value and which will be remembered and adored as they are worn.