The Benefits of a Single-Sex vs. a Co-educational School

When choosing a school for your child, there are lots of factors to consider. Many parents look at league tables to help them decide, while others prioritise things like the location and the facilities available.

Lots of parents consider whether to send their child to a single-sex or a co-educational school, in which case it’s important to know of the pros and cons to each. I have teamed up with a private school in Hertfordshire to explore this further.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

For many years now, studies have shown that children who attend a single-sex school seem to perform better in their tests. This might be because they feel more comfortable in a gender-specific classroom and are therefore more confident when joining in with class discussions. They are less concerned with impressing the opposite sex and more concerned with their studies.

In addition, teachers in a single-sex school are able to tailor their lessons more appropriately to suit the gender of the class. With all that said, children in a single-sex school are able to receive and successfully engage with a more dynamic and enriched education.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

While one might argue that a co-educational school is more likely to emphasise gender stereotypes, another might say that this is an important way to prepare children for the real world, where men and women interact in work environments every single day.

Students are able to learn how to treat the opposite gender respectfully, which isn’t something they can do in a single-sex environment. 

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

At the end of the day, the type of school you choose to send your child to is entirely up to you and you will need to weigh up a lot of factors.

Is it important to you that your son learns how to respect women? Is your daughter easily distracted by boys and therefore better suited to an all girls’ school? You know your child better than anyone and only you can decide what’s right for them.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.