7 Tips To Enhance Your Oral Hygiene - And Make Your Teeth Sparkle
/In an era of technological advances, your toothbrush is now more like a computer that's charged with taking control of your oral hygiene. A modern electric toothbrush is a marvel that tracks and monitors so much more than just how long you've brushed your teeth.
But still, despite all these exciting advances and innovations, little has changed about the basics of how we brush our teeth. Indeed, it's essentially the same thing our caveman ancestors did - that is, if they even cared to clean their teeth!
The new Oral-B and Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes feature Bluetooth enabling that connects wirelessly to a smartphone app. You can now use them to keep track of teeth cleaning sessions, and measure progress on your phone through the miracles of tech.
These nifty little devices have even started pointing out whenever you missed brushing your upper right third molar. But there's more to a sparkling smile than just making sure you brush every crevice and cranny inside your mouth. Or do it regularly, twice every day.
And this becomes all the more important when you realize that oral hygiene impacts your overall health. Diverse conditions like heart disease and strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer's, have been linked to gum disease.
From tips to enhance your oral hygiene or to where to find teeth whitening services these are all worth more than just their cosmetic value. It has never been more important to take good care of your teeth. And these 7 tips will help improve your dental hygiene.
Credit: Unsplash.
1. Use an appropriate toothbrush
Brushing with the wrong kind of toothbrush can be harmful to your teeth and gums. When the bristles are too tough and hard, they can lead to gum damage and abrade your teeth causing injury. On the other hand, if you don't replace a frayed out toothbrush on time, it could also hurt your mouth.
The ideal toothbrush is one that fits comfortably into your mouth, doesn't exert too much pressure on your teeth, and that you replace on time. With an electric toothbrush, this means swapping worn out brush heads with Oral-B or Sonicare toothbrush replacement heads .
2. Clean hard-to-reach nooks
It's a good habit to begin brushing from the back, so that you'll make sure of cleaning behind the last molars. Those are the places where dental plaque and grime build up. Left uncleaned, they'll make you more susceptible to dental caries and gingivitis (gum infections).
You might begin at a fixed point, say from the right upper quadrant, and then work your way forwards. Following a set pattern and routine will make sure that you don't miss any spots. If you’re based in the south east and want to have a check up, try searching best dentist London for a professional clean and inspection.
This professional dentist in Stockton also adds that you should floss every night. The small gaps between your teeth are a good place for bacteria to thrive and flossing will prevent this from happening.
3. Add mouthwash to your brushing routine
When you clean your teeth and floss twice daily, it goes a long way in keeping your mouth healthy. What extends this benefit further is to use an antimicrobial mouthwash after you brush.
Listerine mouthwash will get rid of mouth bacteria that work on food residues to generate plaque-building chemicals. Rinsing off for 30 seconds after you've brushed your teeth will also ensure that your breath is clean and fresh.
4. Record and track progress
Many modern premium electric toothbrushes offer fancy features to help keep track of your brushing sessions. With your smartphone clipped to a mirror or wall in front of you while brushing, you can have the app film and record your actions.
When you review this performance (or jointly do this with your dentist or dental hygienist), you can improve your brushing technique and receive feedback on the way you're cleaning.
Several studies have shown the benefits from such learning. In just 2 weeks, participants in a trial found their brushing technique improve - and their teeth became whiter.
5. Don't overdo it
Once you get used to brushing with an electric toothbrush, the sheer convenience and ease of it might tempt you to go overboard.
Once upon a time, dentists recommended brushing your teeth after every meal. That has now changed. Most dentists suggest no more than brushing twice every day - once in the morning, and once before retiring to bed at night.
There's a real danger of damaging your teeth and gums by being too aggressive about brushing. It's often enough to just rinse your mouth with plain water after eating anything. This helps dislodge food particles, and prevents the risk of plaque formation.
6. Avoid sugar and sugary drinks
It's almost impossible to escape the pervasive influence of sugar in our favorite drinks. Bottled or canned, processed or otherwise, most drinks either come with sugar - or are consumed after adding sugar.
Limit extra sugar in your coffee, tea, soda or fruit juices. And drink them down at once, rather than sipping these drinks all through the day.
The longer sugar remains in your mouth, the more it becomes an energy source for oral bacteria. This leads to lactic acid formation, which erodes the minerals in your teeth.
7. Wash your toothbrush and its container
In our busy and rushed lives, it's often the lowest priority to keep our toothbrush clean. And yet, left unwashed, the device accumulates dirt and mould that worsens mouth hygiene.
In fact, toothbrush holders have been identified as the worst household offenders in terms of trapping germs, along with the kitchen sink and sponges. Periodically cleaning your toothbrush and container in hot, soapy water or even disinfecting it using antiseptic wipes can help reduce the bacterial burden.
There's a lot more you can do to keep your teeth clean and sparkling white. Just remember - it's for more than just looking good... it's also about feeling good and becoming healthy.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.