3 Ways to Remain Active When Working From Home

Working from home has a whole host of benefits. You save money and time by not completing the daily commute to and from work, and you have increased flexibility around your home during the day which grants you greater freedom outside of work hours. However, removing the daily commute limits how active we are throughout the day. When you only have to walk ten paces from your bed to your desk, it’s tricky to remain active throughout the day. 

Whether you fit in some movement by having a yoga mat nearby or one of the new under desk elliptical machines it’s important not to neglect this vital part of your life. Stepping away from your desk actually increases productivity so read our tips about staying healthy and active when working from home.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Tip #1 - Don’t Stay Still Longer Than an Hour

It’s important to make sure that you’re incorporating some movement into your routine every hour. If you have a fitness watch, it’ll often buzz if you have been stationary for an hour. This is a great reminder to get up and move your body, but if you don’t have a smart watch, set an alarm on your phone or computer. 

Your movement doesn’t need to be too strenuous. It could simply be standing up to get a cup of tea, taking a wash off the radiators, or making a quick mid-morning snack. If you have a phone call that doesn’t require video, why not take it whilst you walk around your home rather than sitting still at your desk? 

Staying active will help to reduce your chance of blood clots, especially when combined with the use of compression socks throughout the day. 

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Tip #2 - Use Your Breaks Wisely

As tempting as it may be to lounge on the couch with Netflix, or have a little nap during your breaks, this won’t help your productivity or overall mood for the day. Working at home definitely has it’s difficult moments, so using your breaks productively will help boost your overall well being. 

So, grab your walking socks and your trusty trainers before heading outside to get some fresh air. Take some pre workout gummies and off you go. Even a 15 minute walk will help you to burn calories, get your body moving, and reap the mental benefits of fresh air and Vitamin D. 

If you have a shorter lunch break, you can enjoy the physical benefits of a walk by taking part in a virtual walking workout. You can find free guided walking workouts on YouTube that start from just 5 minutes. This is a great way to get your body moving, and burn some calories on your lunch break without eating too much of your time. 

If you really need to check up on emails during your breaks, consider taking a small tablet with you. There are so many options now, even drawing tablets which are great if your work is more creative.

Tip #3 - Make Use of At Home Workouts

Whilst we all love our beauty sleep, one of the best ways to stay active whilst you’re working from home is to get up a little bit earlier and complete an at home workout. You can either pay for a professional subscription, or find a range of free workout videos online. YouTube has a host of free workout videos, from weight lifting to Disney dance HIITs. 

Exercise is also an excellent way to boost your energy levels and reduce tiredness. This is due to an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients travelling to your vital organs, including your heart and lungs. This improves your cardiovascular system, thus having a positive impact on your stamina and endurance. As a result, working out in the morning can ensure you have increased energy levels throughout the day to increase your productivity. 

So there we go - three easy tips to implement physical activity into your workout routine. This can lead to increased productivity, better health, and improved weight loss too. 

*This is a collaborative post.