Working from Home? - 6 Ways to Make Your Office Space More Comfortable

You spend a lot of hours working in the office so you want to make sure that this space is as comfortable as possible. Not only will it make you more productive but it will also make work hours more pleasant. Let’s face it. Most of us don’t want to do more than we have to. But if you have a nice area to work in, you might just be more motivated to give it your best everyday. Here are some tips to help you make your home office space more comfortable.

1. Add a foot rug

Place a small rug under your chair. This will keep your feet comfortable while you’re working. Some great options for the material of your rug are cotton, chenille, faux fur, and wool. These are high quality materials that will make working in your desk feel extra luxurious.

Working from Home? -  6 Ways to Make Your Office Space More Comfortable

2. Showcase some greenery

Nature can be a great palate cleanser for your eyes when you’ve been looking at the screen for many hours. For city dwellers, a good solution to the lack of nature in their surroundings is adding indoor plants into their homes. There are plenty of species to choose from with some easy-to-maintain ones that you only have to worry about once every few days. Indoor plants are great to look at when you’re feeling stressed. Then there’s the amazing fact that they improve the air quality of the room as well. 

3. Create a relaxing nook

A relaxing nook is where you can retreat during lunch breaks or after work. Find a small corner in your office where you can build this nook. Nothing complicated here. All you really need is a comfortable chair, a side table, and maybe a lamp. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by work, you can just retreat to this part of your office to recalibrate.

Working from Home? -  6 Ways to Make Your Office Space More Comfortable

4. Bring in additional seating

Who says you have to work at your desk all day? To stay productive for long hours, you need some variety in your sitting positions. You can do that by bringing in a couch into your office. For quality seating, Lovesac has pretty interesting reviews for their couches. If you get tired sitting in your office chair, just get on the couch with your laptop and keep working. This is different from a relaxing nook, although there’s no harm in napping here during breaks. 

5. Install functional storage

Every item in your office should be stored in areas where it makes the most sense. For example, if you are constantly taking paper notes all day and making computations, the notepad and calculator should be in your office drawer. If you like to read during breaks, your Kindle should be on your nook’s side table. It’ll be easier to navigate your work days when you have easy access to your items. 

Working from Home? -  6 Ways to Make Your Office Space More Comfortable

6. Think of ergonomics

You spend a lot of time working and yet, you may not have really thought about the ergonomics of your workspace. Ergonomics refers to how your body interacts with the environment. If you are constantly hunching your shoulders to type on your laptop or slouching when making drafts on the drawing board, that means your office has poor ergonomics. 

You can fix this with a few tweaks to your furniture. If you work on your laptop, make sure that the screen is at eye level and that you are not bending your head up or down. The keyboard and mouse should be parallel to your forearms. All these adjustments may mean you need to get the right height of chair and table. Once you have this taken care of, working for hours will be a breeze. 

Which of these tips did you find the most useful? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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