How fluent would you like your child's language to be?

How fluent would you like your child's language to be?

How fluent would you like your child's language to be?

Bilingual Children - Week #21

This week on Bilingual children I’m sharing a document I’ve created on levels of fluency.

It’s very easy to have in your mind that you would like your child to be bilingual without maybe considering what this really means.

If you think long and hard about how you would like your child to use a language; where they will use it? How well they will speak it? This will help you decide how much learning and effort needs to go into the process.

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7 Language learning hacks for holidays

7 Language learning hacks for holidays

7 Language learning hacks for holidays

Are you off on holiday soon and not sure who to keep up with your child' language learning? Or maybe you're around this Summer and would love to begin or continue the momentum you've created? 

If so I've gathered together 7 products which can be used at home or away without taking up too much space. 

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Why should I learn a language - Post Brexit?

Why should I learn a language - Post Brexit?

Why should I learn a language - Post Brexit?

You may think that I became a language lover when I married a man with a different nationality to me. The truth is my favourite subjects to study at school were always English language and foreign languages. I was fascinated by travel and being able to communicate. After a school trip to Rouen where myself and some other students were insulted in English by German school children (Yes they insulted us in our own language which they could speak pretty well!) I knew I could not cope with only knowing my own language. 

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Bilingual Children - Week #1

Bilingual Children - Week #1

Our Bilingual Week

I'm starting a new series on Mammaprada. Every Wednesday I will give you a little insight into our bilingual learning. What has challenged us and which products we've found useful. There will be some interviews with others raising bilingual children, an expert in the subject or a creator of a product or service which helps us all in raising our children bilingually. 

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