How to keep positive through challenging times
/In Collaboration with Lighthouse Clothing.
Many of us will be asking ourselves how to keep going and stay positive during these difficult times. It’s not easy to keep a positive mindset and I feel we are all constantly readjusting our attitude to remain in good spirits despite all the negativity around.
It is possible though to look after yourself mentally and physically with some healthy habits, so here is how I stay motivated.
Credit: Unsplash.
Keep a routine
Boring as it may sound keeping a routine especially with how we start the day makes a big difference to how you feel. Making your bed, getting dressed and not sleeping in too long, will give you more energy for the rest of the day. You feel better about yourself if you’ve made an effort as well. Try to stay off your phone until after breakfast so you don’t consume too much negativity from the news and other outlets first thing in the morning. Which leads me to…
Limit screen time
Have screen limits for yourself not just your children. We can easily take in too much information about a topic and this will change how you feel for the rest of the day. Concentrate on what’s happening in your life instead. Keep coming back to the present, not tomorrow or months ahead. Try and make those moments meaningful. Don’t spend them worrying about things you can’t control.
Credit: Unsplash.
Attempt to exercise or get out of the house every day for a walk. Even on the days you really don’t want to leave the house, you will feel better once it’s done. It doesn’t have to be something strenuous, a bit of fresh air and a different view do wonders for your mental health. They also help children release any tensions which might have built up from homeschooling and too much time in the house.
Don’t worry about the weather, just dress appropriately, grab a waterproof jacket, which is a must this season, and enjoy taking in a different neighbourhood or country walk.
Treat yourself
If you always think of everyone else but yourself this will start to show in your confidence and energy levels. Businesses need our support at the moment so indulging in a little online shopping to buy yourself the odd treat is a great way to cheer yourself up.
It doesn’t have to be something frivolous, it could be a great new raincoat for when the school runs return or a beautiful notebook to journal in when you have a few moments alone.
Easier said than done, I know. However, giving everyone in the house a bit of time after lunch for quiet play, a nap or reading can rejuvenate you all. It helps with that mid-afternoon slump when we all get tired and ratty!
If you can’t fit this in, try going to bed 30mins earlier and reading a book. I always think I don’t have time to read but each time I adopt this habit I go through a book a week! It just shows that scrolling or watching tv until late can be replaced with something more relaxing and which induces better quality sleep.
Take stock
At the end of each day, try and acknowledge the things you’ve achieved. I don’t mean anything earth shattering but simply what you’re grateful for. Did you eat together as a family? Manage to call a friend who is lonely? Leave the laundry and have a hot cup of coffee on your own for 5 minutes? Buy yourself some £1 daffodils from the store and now they are blooming on the kitchen table?
Doing these small things and reminding yourself of them can improve your levels of happiness and satisfaction more than we realise.
The key is to be consistent with these small habits and they will carry you through to easier times. I hope you can implement some of these and brighten the weeks ahead!
I believe that in order to be a fully realized individual, we all need to take joy in every aspect of our lives. Take pleasure in both the grand and the mundane. Be grateful for a simple cup of tea, a conversation with a friend, or a quick stroll through your local park. Aside from enjoying the beauty of life, I enjoy fortifying my resolve and developing my spiritual side. I read a verse from the Bible daily. This allows me to stay focused throughout the day and approach each new challenge with a grateful heart.