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Tips to improve the appearance of your floors

If you are a decorating DIY fanatic like myself, then you are probably always thinking of new ways to improve your home interiors. The best DIY projects are ones that are inexpensive, easy to complete and have a long-lasting effect. 

Recently, I undertook a decorating project on the floors throughout my house, namely the wooden floors in my hallway. Adding a new lease of life to these floors is a perfect way to transform your home without spending a fortune on new floorboards. I’ve learnt a lot from my experience and so, I wanted to share my top tips with you!

Painting wooden floors

Firstly, one of the greatest, most cost-effective solutions to create a fresh look throughout your home is by painting your floors. This way, you can customise colours and designs, adding an element of creative flair without having to buy entirely new flooring. There are mixed opinions about wooden floor paint, but I personally think it’s an excellent way to experiment with new designs, creating a fresh palette throughout your home. 

Which colour do you pick? Mummy Vs Work says in a recent blog post that “choosing the colour of your floor paint comes down to personal preference - you can choose a colour that matches your interiors or a paint colour that completely contrasts your interiors”. 

I love the task of selecting paint colours, I could browse through catalogues all day long! From my own research and experience, I found that Kent Blaxill, family-owned decorating suppliers, have a wide range of paint colours and finishes which provide the perfect look to wooden floors and even other floorings like stone, metal and concrete too!

How can floor wax help?

Another amazing way to transform the appearance of your flooring is by using aftercare products like floor wax. When I completed my last DIY project, I choose to use Fiddes floor wax throughout my hallway to add a soft, natural sheen. Not only does this product provide a glossy finish to your home interiors, but it also protects your floors from scratches, stains, and scuffs. This means that after painting your floors, you can add a layer of floor wax to leave them looking brand-new. I love this DIY tip because it ticks my box of having a long-lasting effect, keeping your flooring clean and protected for longer.

The beauty of wood oil

Wood oil is also another great product which shouldn’t be neglected in your flooring transformation project. By adding wood oil stain to your floor, you can maintain the aesthetic look of the material, keeping a natural and delicate tone. I noticed that Kent Blaxill also has a vast selection of wood oils which are ideal for maintaining the natural wood grain effect of your flooring. 

House Digest notes how darker wood is generally “more expensive and luxurious” and looks fantastic when decorated “with light and airy furnishing that really pop next to the deep, dark floorboards”. So, why not consider adding wood oil to these dark shades, extending the wow factor even further? Walnut floor varnish is also a popular choice for modern flooring designs.

There are so many ways that you can uplift the interior flooring within your property, and I’ve only highlighted a select few in this blog. If you want to find further inspiration and products for your DIY project, Wood Create states that “you will find everything you need to make these projects come to life (with your own spin!) at Kent Blaxill”.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.