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How Does RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner Help You Discover Hidden Gems?

Credit: unsplash.

RoutePerfect’s trip planner is a great way to construct the trip of a lifetime across any number of different locations. While it may seem that the main benefit is the directions and connections to accommodation and travel it offers you, perhaps the real benefit is in the integrated experiences!

Here, we’re going to talk about three key ways that RoutePerfect’s system can help you find some wonderful hidden gems in the experiences tab.

Scrolling past tourist traps

When going to any large city, the temptation is always there to visit the enormous tourist traps. On a trip to London, for example, it can be almost overwhelming to consider how many you could visit! You could spend weeks heading between Buckingham Palace, The British Museum, and St. Paul’s Cathedral - not to mention all the galleries, river tours, and restaurants!

However, a lot of the time, these tourist traps can be quite dull or underwhelming. The main reason for this is that you’ve often built up the experience of going there in your head before attending in person, so your actual experience doesn’t quite compare to what you had imagined.

It’s important to say that RoutePerfect does offer you these big tourist traps if that’s something you want to do. However, if you’d rather avoid them, you can definitely just scroll on by!

Moving on past the larger tourist traps enables you to see all the other events that RoutePerfect knows about within the city. Because so many businesses advertise themselves online now, RoutePerfect is able to track down smaller companies and show you exactly what’s available for you!

Don’t be afraid to be a little bit picky when you’re scrolling through the potential experiences on RoutePerfect: there are always going to be a few more just a few clicks away, and they’re very often worth tracking down!

Finding oft-eclipsed gems

Perhaps this is a bit of an odd way to look at a trip, but there are many people that feel the same way: sometimes, a trip can be overshadowed by something you’re not looking forward to.

For instance, if you’ll be spending some time in another city with your family, the excitement of new locations and people could be overshadowed if you also have to visit a distant relative who happens to live in that city. This overshadowing can make the whole holiday fall a bit flat, and make you perceive the city in a different way.

However, RoutePerfect can identify experiences in that particular city that would otherwise be eclipsed by your family visit. Learning new things is always fun and exciting, and doubly so when it’s something that surprises you. What better surprise could there be than finding a new favorite restaurant just around the corner from a relative you’re obliged to visit?

Because RoutePerfect doesn’t view the city in the same way you do, it can gather vast amounts of data and recommendations to suggest things that you’ve never heard of, and would never look for. This makes it a really powerful tool for interacting with the world around you on your vacations!

On the way ideas

An impressive element of RoutePerfect’s trip planner is the fact that it offers a list of potential events and experiences that you could indulge in on the way. This might not sound like much, but breaking up a long, tedious drive with a fun visit to a surprising locale can be great fun!

Surprisingly, many recommendations for ‘on the way’ ideas between cities can be animal-based, since there’s more land to tend to animals between two cities. This can be ideal if you’re traveling with kids - you can break up a tough and uncomfortable drive with a visit to a llama farm, for instance, where your kids can pet an animal that they’ve never met before!

Often, a lot of childhood memories are impacted by how surprising or new they were to you when the event occurred. As such, introducing your little ones to a brand new event or item part way through the boring part of a road trip holiday can be really exciting, and sure to stay with them for a long time.

RoutePerfect’s trip planner is a powerful tool that gathers a lot of data about cities and towns that you might like to visit. By allowing a little control over how you might spend your vacation time, you can learn about all sorts of surprising and impressive places!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.