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15 Common Reasons for Canada Visit Visa Rejection from Dubai

Visa is an essential and must have a comment for most travelers planning to visit Canada.  Few nationals who are Canada visa exempted and other eligible for the visa on arrival.  The process of obtaining Canada visa is straightforward but not all applications are approved. 

If you are had applied for the Canada visa and your application was rejected, you need to learn what you didn’t do correctly. There are several reasons for Canada visa rejections which we shall discuss in this article. Continue reading to learn these common reasons and how you can avoid them for success Canada visa from Dubai application. 

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1. Incomplete Application

When you don’t fill all the mandatory fields in the visa application form, automatically your application will be rejected. As it is indicated mandatory or compulsory, you should not skip those fields. Carefully, you should fill the spaces with accurate and correct details. After filling-in the spaces, you should double check to ensure you have not made any errors. 

You should not fill the field with false details because they should match with the documents which you will attach. When the visa issuing authority detect you have fill-in incorrect details they will reject your application. Sometimes, you should read more than once the instruction to understand the details they want you to provide. If you are not sure you can seek assistance. 

2. Rules Violation 

When applying for a visa you ought to adhere to the set rules by the Ministry of External Affairs. It is the office which receives reviews and makes decision on every visa application. The rules you need to adhere to extends to the documentation and process to follow.

You have to submit all required documents and also follow the stipulated visa application process. When you omitted any step or fail to submit all documents you visa application chances are it will be rejected.  You can learn about the rules to follow by visiting the Canada embassy website. It is illegal to submit fake documents and not only will be your visa application denied but can lead to other legal issues. 

3. Incomplete Travel Details

One of the requirements when applying for Canada visit visa is to submit your travel itinerary. The travel plan should be detailed indicating the places you will be visit in Canada. 

When you give shallow details of the places you will be visiting or inaccurate details, your application will be rejected. There are a number of essential details which should be included in your travel itinerary. These details are: 

  • The timing of the places you will be visiting

  • The duration (how long)

  • Booked flight tickets

  • Hotel booking documents

4. Unclear Purpose of Travel

The reason you are visiting Canada is one of the most important question you should answer in your visa application. The officials reviewing your visa application will examine and scrutinize the reason you will indicate. Hence, the reason you will give should be convincing and concentrate. 

 It will be more convincing when you attach documents in support of your reason for visiting Canada. For instance, you can attach documents showing you have already purchased ticket to the places you will be visiting like Museum entrance ticket. When you submit ambiguous reason for travelling to Canada, the visa officials might reject your application.

5. Passport Issues

You cannot travel to a foreign country without a passport. Don’t even attempt to submit visa application without attaching your passport to the application form along other required documents. 

Your passport should also be valid and at least 6 months before expiry date. It should also have at least 3 blank pages. Even if your passport is valid but it is full chances are your visa application will be rejected. So, you should check your passport and ensure it meets these terms and conditions. 

6. Application Timings

The processing timeline of the Canadian visa depends on the type of you are applying for. Some visas which take few days to process other take even up to 60 days.  You should plan your visa application such that you don’t submit too early or too late.

 The best timing is to submit your visa application at least 45 days to the date you intend to travel to Canada.  You should not submit your visa application jut few to the intended travel dates; this increases the chances of visa rejection. 

If you are not certain when to submit your visa application, you can seek assistance from out visa experts. They will help you know the best timing. 

7. Insufficient Funds

Submission of documents showing you have enough money to support your expenses while staying in Canada is among the requirements when applying for the Canada visit visa. 

The purpose of travel is among the factors take into consideration to determine if the documents you have submitted convince the visa officials you have enough funds. You should check the threshold set as a proof of sufficient funds when applying for the visa and submit documents showing you meet the requirement. 

You should also check the kind of documents acceptable as proof of enough funds.  The one document which is mostly acceptable is bank tatem3ent for the last 6 months. 

8. Crime History

If you have ever been convicted and never cleared your name, chances are you have a criminal record. That can have a huge negative impact on your visa application. 

The Canada visa issuing authorities don’t take chances they do thorough background check on each visa applicant before issuing the visa. Therefore, if you have a criminal record you should clear it first before applying for the Canada visa. An attorney can assist you. 

9. Sponsor Credibility 

Many travelers who visit Chanda have their trio sponsored. The sponsor is the one who will cover the expenses of the whole trip. When you are applying for Canada visit visa you are supposed to disclose if you will be funding your trip or you have a sponsor. 

If you indicate you have a sponsor the authorities will proceed to check if the sponsor meets the set criteria. The following are the details the authorities will be checking if the sponsor meets:

  • Sponsor legal status

  • Sponsor source annual income 

  • Amount of taxes the sponsor paid and other details 

You can check the eligibility criteria set to qualify be a sponsor for Canada visa application. 

10. The Return to the Country

The visa issuing authorities require you show you will be returning to your country or leave the country after staying the number of the days the visa allows you. 

You ought to submit documents like return flight ticket or flight ticket to another destination outside and indicating the travel dates as a proof you will be leaving the country before your visa expires. If you don’t submit such documents you increase chances of your visa application being rejected. 

11. Previsions overstay 

If you have been issued with Canada visa before and you overstayed the welcome, chances your visa application will be rejected. Equally, if you were involved any illegal activities during your previsions visit. 

The authorities will not approve your visa application if they establish you don’t have good relation with Canada. 

12. Health Issues

If you for distance you are travelling from the region and travelers are required to submit a certificate of vaccination like the yellow fever and you don’t then this increases the chance of your visa application being rejected.
You should read the instruction in the visa application form and meet the medical requirements like submitting vaccination certificate or if you have to undergo certain medical examinations before travelling.

13.  No ties to your home country

If you are applying for the short term visas, you are supposed to show you have strong ties to your home country. The ties are indication you will be get backing to your home country and you are not running away.

Besides, the embassy will be convinced you will not over stay the welcome and chance will not hesitate approve the visa application. 

14. Visa Interview Gone Wrong

If you have to attend visa interview, you should prepare adequately. Most important you should answer the questions honestly. You should not lie because the interview detect your visa application will get rejected. 

Also your answers should be convincing. One of the questions which many visa applicants fail to answer well is the reason for visiting Canada. You should give an honest answer and mention where you will be visiting to show you have planned for the trip. 

15. Illegal Status in the Country of Residence

If you are Dubai resident, you ought to submit documents showing you are staying in Dubai legally. You can submit Dubai residence visa. 

It is imperative for Dubai resident’s applicants to give proof of their lawful residency, such as residency permits or visas, in order to reassure Canadian authorities of their adherence to the law. 

After your Canada visit visa application is rejected what next? 

After your submitted your Canada visit visa from Dubai application and after the wait you receive news your application has been rejected is frustrating. However what should you do?
First you should not give up. Second, there is something you can do to improve the chances of visa approval next time. Below are some tips to consider. 

1. Know why the application was rejected

The visa issuing authority rejected visa application for different reasons ranging from submitting incomplete visa application form, insufficient funds, and incomplete documentation among other reasons.
You should ask why your visa application was rejected. After knowing the reason you work to rectify the issues raised during your next application. 

2. Reapply

Even though your visa application was rejected, you can reapply. You should the second time ensure your application adhere to the guidelines, you have attached all documents, filled complete the application form and address the reason why your previous application was rejected. You can seek visa expert assistance because they understand the Canada visa application process better to increase chances of successful visa application. 

3. Appeal the decision

Although it is along short, you can consider appealing the decision of denying you the Canada visit visa. The whole appealing process is tiresome, complex and time consuming. 

But, if you are convinced the decision was wrong, you can try your luck. You can seek assistance from professional visa expert or seek legal advice. Our recommendation is always to re-apply the visa after it has been rejected after knowing the reason why it was not approved. Our visa experts will guide you in re-application and this will increases chances of successful application. 

4. Improve your circumstances

If the visa authorities reason for rejected your application was due to insufficient funds, you need to improve your circumstances by raising your saving or securing employment.
If the reason was lack of ties to your home country, you need to present prove you have strong ties to your home country. You can submit documents like you won properties or have a family back at home. 

5. Remain positive and persistent

Rejection should not put you down and loose hope. It is discoursing yes but, you ought to stay positive and re-apply again. Remind yourself the reason you want to take the trip to Canada. That should fuel your effort to address the concerns raised during your previsions application and be persistent apply again.


The Canada visa issuing authorities have the mandate to issue or reject visa applications. It is their job to establish the visa applicant is eligible to be issued with the visa.
We have discussed the common reason why they might reject your application. Now you know and should avoid these mistakes during your Canada visit visa application. You should avoid these mistakes. Some seem not important but they are actually important. Don’t ignore them. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.