Learning German

This is our list of German Language Resources for children. The best way for kids to learn German is by implementing it in their daily life. There is no perfect way to teach a second language to your child but we have put together some tips and products that can help our children learn German.

Our first tip is German language games for kids. These games are good to learn new German words for kids.

Our second tip is to read German stories for kids. Children learn to talk by repeating what you say to them. So if you start reading to them German kids’ books, they are very quickly going to catch on. We have put together a collection of our favourite German kids books.

Our third tip is to teach your children German songs for kids. Nursery songs lyrics are often easy to remember and make it easy to learn new German words and phrases.

Our fourth and last tip is to play German games for kids. We have made a small selection of educational German games for kids. These games can help them speak German.

Bonus tip: Try to switch to German cartoons once in a while. This is a good way to trigger your child’s brain while watching cartoons

Frequently asked questions

Is there a duolingo for kids?

Is there a German duolingo?

Where can I find German classes for children?

Where can I find free German lessons for kids?

What are the best apps to learn German?

What are the best German comic books for kids?

What are some German kids shows?

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